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510 lines
│ │
│ Tiny EDitor - TED │
│ │
│ Version 3.0 │
│ March 1991 │
│ │
TED is a compact, full screen text editor for creating small DOS
text files (< 64K byte) on IBM-compatible PCs.
Title : TED 3.0 - Enhanced version of T. Kihlken's Tiny EDitor
TED 3.0 adds WordStar compatibility to TED and numerous new commands,
such as search and replace, goto line number, shell to DOS, support
for colors, move cursor left/right one word, delete word, save block
to file, retrieve file, enhanced help and status info, optional display
of tabs and EOLs, etc. TED3.ZIP contains TED3.COM and TED3.DOC.
1.0/1.1 15 Nov 88 Orig and corrected version of TED by Tom Kihlken.
Reference PC Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 19, 15 Nov 88.
2.0 6 Aug 89 Enhanced version by James Galbraith [73500,2077]
adding search, revised EOF & CRLF handling, and help.
3.0 2 Mar 91 Enhanced version by David King [72421,2215] adding
WordStar compatibility, color support, new commands
assigned to shift + and ctrl + function keys, etc.
TED is a compact, full screen ASCII text editor for IBM compatibles. It
is intended for creating small (<64K byte) DOS text files, such as files
containing batch commands, source code, or printer escape sequences.
TED's features include:
- Fast, full screen text editing with extensive cursor control.
- Simple to use. Provides on-line help and shift-sensitive function
key menus. Supports both function keys and WordStar commands.
- Support for monochrome or color display adapters (in character mode)
and screen sizes greater than 80x25.
- Copying, deleting, or moving lines or blocks of texts.
- Search and replace commands.
- Undo capability.
- Entry and display of all ctrl codes and full IBM character set.
- Retrieving text from or writing blocks of text to other files.
- Temporary return to DOS.
- Small program file size (approximately 12K bytes).
System Requirements: TED runs on IBM-compatible machines (PC,XT,AT)
under DOS 2.0 or later. It operates in text mode with MDA, Hercules,
CGA, EGA, or VGA display adapters. It requires at least one disk drive
(floppy or hard) and 150K bytes of free RAM.
Limitations: TED is not intended for editing large files or for
sophisticated wordprocessing. File and buffer sizes are limited to 64K
bytes. Line length is limited to 256 characters. Tabs are fixed at
8 column intervals. TED does not support word wrap.
To start TED:
To exit TED (saving changes) or quit (without saving changes):
Press F7 (EXIT) or F3 (QUIT/ABORT).
Function key commands (F1-F10, Shift + F1-F10, Ctrl + F1-F10) are shown on
the menu at bottom of the screen. The menu changes depending on whether
the shift or ctrl key is depressed. Most WordStar non-document (N) mode
control-key commands are supported as alternatives to the function keys.
Help is available with the F1 key. When you exit TED and save the file
being edited (F7), TED will prompt for the file name (or confirmation) if
the file has been modified. File and buffer sizes are limited to 64K bytes.
│ KEY │ FKey │ SHIFT + FKey │ CTRL + FKey │
│ F1 │ Help (^J) │ Setup Options │ Display Status Line │
│ F2 │ Find Forward (^QF) │ Find Next (^L) │ Replace (^QR) │
│ F3 │ Quit [Abort] (^KQ) │ │ Replace Next (^L) │
│ F4 │ Mark/UnMark [Toggle] │ Change Case Marked │ Show Tabs & EOL │
│ F5 │ Cut Marked to PB │ Copy Marked to PB │ Duplicate Char │
│ F6 │ Paste [Buffer=PB] │ Insert Character Code │ Insert Ctrl Char │
│ F7 │ Save & Exit (^KX) │ Print Marked on LPT1 │ Eject Page from LPT1 │
│ F8 │ Delete Line (^Y) │ Delete to EOL (^QY) │ Delete Word (^T) │
│ F9 │ Undelete Line │ Undel Chars/Words (^U) │ GoTo Line (^QI) │
│ F10 │ Write PB to File │ Read File into PB │ GoTo DOS [Exec] │
Note: WordStar-compatible commands shown in parenthesis.
Keypad WS Function
Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow ^E/^X/^S/^D Move cursor up/down/left/right
Ctrl-Left/Right Arrow ^A/^F Move cursor left/right
one word
PgUp/PgDn ^R/^C Move cursor up/down one screen
Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn ^QR/^QC Move cursor to TOF/EOF
Home/End ^QS/^QD Move to start/end of line
Ctrl-Home/End Scroll screen left/right
8 columns
^W/^Z Scroll screen up/down one line
Del/Backspace ^G/^H Delete char at/left of cursor
Ins ^V Toggle Insert/Overstrike mode
^KW Write a selected (marked)
block of text out to a file
^KR Read a file into the text
^B Strip high bit from chars in
marked block of text
^N Split line [insert new line]
Cursor keys are located on the numeric keypad (and also on separate cursor
keypads on enhanced keyboards). (Note: The Num Lock key must be released
to use the keypad keys on keyboards without a separate keypad.) Cursor
commands are also available using the WordStar (WS) diamond of control-key
Keypad WS Function
Up ^E Moves the cursor up one row. If the cursor is at the
top of the screen, the display is scrolled down.
Down ^X Moves the cursor down one row. If the cursor is at the
bottom of the screen, the display is scrolled up.
Left ^S Moves the cursor left one character.
Right ^D Moves the cursor right one character.
PgUp ^R Moves the cursor down one screen.
PgDn ^C Moves the cursor up one screen.
Home ^QS Moves the cursor to the start of the current line.
End ^QD Moves the cursor to the end of the current line.
Ctrl-Left ^A Moves the cursor left to the first letter of the previous
Ctrl-Right ^F Moves the cursor right to the first letter of the next word.
Ctrl-PgUp ^QR Moves the cursor to the top of the file.
Ctrl-PgDn ^QC Moves the cursor to the end of the file.
Ctrl-Home Scrolls the screen right eight columns.
Use to see portion of line which extends off screen.
Note: An inverse diamond in the last column of a row
indicates that the line extends off screen.
Ctrl-End Scrolls the screen left eight columns.
^W Scrolls the screen up one row. If the cursor is at the
bottom of the screen, the cursor gets push up one row.
^Z Scrolls the screen down one row. If the cursor is at the
top of the screen, the cursor gets push down one row.
In addition to the cursor keys, the following keys are reserved for special
editing functions:
BS Erases the character to the left of the cursor. If the cursor is
at the start of a line, the line is joined with the previous line.
Del Deletes the character at the cursor position. If the cursor is at
the end of a line, the line is joined with the following line.
<CR> Inserts a new line in the file. The cursor is moved to the start
of the new line. Any characters which were to the right of the
cursor are moved to the new line.
Ins Toggles between insert (I) and overstrike (O) modes. The current
mode is displayed as an I or O at the end of unshifted function
key menu at the bottom of the screen.
Tab Inserts a tab character (ASCII 9) into file and advances the
screen cursor to the next tab position. Tabs are fixed at
eight column intervals; i.e., column 9, 17, 25, etc. Tabs are
expanded as spaces when displayed or printed. Tabs can be
displayed on screen by use of the CF4 (Show Tabs & EOLs) command.
Most editing functions are accessed with the function keys, F1-F10,
Shift F1-F10, and Ctrl + F1-F10, designated F#, SF#, and CF# below.
The function key assignments are displayed on a menu line at the bottom
of the screen. The menu changes depending on whether the Shift or Ctrl
key is depressed. Most function keys have WordStar-compatible ctrl-key
equivalents (shown in parenthesis below).
F1 Help (^J) - Displays help consisting of tables of function key
assignments, other editing commands, and ASCII/IBM character set.
Use PgUp and PgDn to view; any other key resumes editing.
SF1 Setup Options - Allows modifying TED parameters. Currently,
supports only turning on/off creation of .BAK file. Other setup
parameters, such as colors, can be modified thru the TED environment
string (see note #1 below).
CF1 Display Status Line - Shows line (L) and column (C) number of the
cursor position, displayable char and hex code for the char at
cursor, total number of lines (#L) and bytes (#B) in the buffer,
and the file name (F); e.g.,
L=259 C=67 (a-61h) #L=538 #B=27506 F=TEST.TXT
The status line is displayed above the menu line at the bottom of
the screen and obscures the last line of text until it automatically
disappears when the next key is struck. If the current line (cursor)
would be hidden by status line, the screen is shifted up one line.
F2 Find Forward (^QF) - Prompts for a search string (60 chars max)
and searches the buffer forward from the cursor position for the
next occurrence of the string. Case sensitivity works like in
WordPerfect searches - uppercase chars in search string will match
only uppercase, while lowercase chars will match both lower and
uppercase chars. There is no option in TED to search backwards
towards the top of file.
SF2 Find Next (^L) - Searches forward for the next occurrence of the
current search string.
CF2 Find & Replace (^QA) - Prompts for a search string and a replace
string and then searches for next occurrence of search string and '
replaces it (after confirmation) with the replace string. To confirm
replacement, press R, Y, or <Enter>. To skip replacement, press
S, N, or '. This command will automatically continue searching for
the next occurrence until the command is exited via the <Esc> key.
To automatically replace all occurrences of the search string from
the current cursor position to the end of the file without
confirmation, press A. To replace all occurrences of a string in
a file (i.e., global replace), reposition the cursor to the
beginning of the file (ctrl-PgUp) before invoking the replace
command with the A option.
F3 Quit [Abort] (^KQ) - Abort without saving edited text. Command
prompts for confirmation that you want to abandon changes if the
file was modified during the current editing session.
SF3 Unused.
CF3 Replace Next (^L) - Resumes the Find and Replace command starting
at the current cursor position and using last settings of the
search and replace strings (CF2). (Note: ^L functions as a CF2
or CF3 depending on whether a find (F2) or replace (CF2) was
more recent.)
F4 Mark/Unmark [Toggle] - Turns on/off text selection. Use the
cursor commands to expand the marked block of text (displayed
with highlight). Marked blocks are used with cut, copy, change
case, print, write file commands. Deselect text by pressing F4
a second time. (Note: The paste, read file, and insert file
commands also leave the text they insert highlighted. Unlike
marked blocks, the highlights left by these commands are
automatically removed by any subsequent keystroke. The inserted
text is highlighted by these commands simply to show the user
where the text was inserted and to permit the user to undo the
command (by immediately cutting the highlighted text) if needed.)
SF4 Change Case Marked - Changes case of marked block to all uppercase
or all lowercase. If the block is not marked, the entire file will
be converted. The original text is copied to the paste buffer to
permit restoration if needed. To undo a case change, exit the
change case function, delete the altered lines with the F8 key,
and then restore the original lines with the paste (F6) function.
CF4 Show Tabs & EOLs [Toggle] - Turns on screen display of Tabs and
EOLs (CRLFs). Tabs are displayed as right pointing triangles and
CRLFs are displayed as left pointing triangles. Useful for
editing text which is formatted using Tab chars; e.g., .ASM files.
F5 Cut Marked to PB - Moves the selected text to the paste buffer (PB).
You must mark (F4) the block of text to be cut before using the
cut command. After cutting text (F5), you may paste it (F6) as many
times as you like or write it out to a separate file (F10).
SF5 Copy Marked to PB - Copies selected text to paste buffer. Same
as Cut (F5) except that the selected text is not removed from the
edit/file buffer.
CF5 Duplicate Char - Duplicates character at cursor position. Useful
for duplicating characters which don't have corresponding keys on
the keyboard; e.g., line drawing characters.
F6 Paste - Inserts the contents of the paste buffer into the edit
buffer at the cursor position. The inserted text appears highlighted
on the screen and can be undone by immediately pressing F5 (Cut).
Any other key will turn off the highlight. Use the Mark and Cut
commands or Read File into PB to fill the PB before using the Paste
command. The contents of the PB remain until overwritten by the
next Cut, Copy, Change Case, Read File into PB, or ^KR commands.
Therefore the Paste command can be used repeatedly to insert the
same text if needed.
SF6 Insert Character Code - Prompts for the ASCII code for a single
char to be inserted in file. Code may be entered in decimal (0-255)
or in hex (0h-FFh). Hex inputs must be terminated with an "H" or "h".
CF6 Insert Ctrl Code - Allows a ctrl code to be entered into the file.
Press CF6 followed by single ctrl key combination. For example,
to insert page breaks (form feeds) into the file at the current
cursor position, depress the Ctrl key and hit F6 followed by L
(i.e., Ctrl-F6, Ctrl-L). (Note: This function works by disabling
TED's normal WS ctrl-key processing for the next key.)
F7 Save & Exit (^KX) - If file has been modified, prompts for name
of file (or confirmation) for text to be saved in, writes the file,
and exits TED.
SF7 Print Marked on LPT1 - Prints marked text on printer LPT1. If
no block is marked, the entire file is printed. Print can be
aborted by pressing the <Esc> key. When done, Print leaves the block
marked to permit additional copies to be made or the marked block
to be adjusted. You must press F4 to unmark the block.
CF7 Eject Page from LPT1 - Sends form feed to printer LPT1.
F8 Delete Line (^Y) - Deletes the line the cursor is on. The line
is saved in a one-line undo buffer and can be restored with
the undelete line function (F9). The F8 and F9 keys can be used
in concert to duplicate a line (press F8, F9, F9).
SF8 Delete to EOL (^QY) - Deletes text from the current cursor position
to the end of the current line. Deleted text is saved in the
line undo buffer.
CF8 Delete Word (^T) - Deletes characters from current cursor position
up to start of next word (i.e., remainder of current word plus any
intervening blanks leading up to first character in next word).
Deleted words are saved in a 256 byte undo buffer and can be
restored with the Undel Chars/Words (SF9, ^U) command.
F9 Undelete Line - Copies contents of line buffer to the file buffer.
Used in conjunction with delete line (F8) command.
SF9 Undel Chars/Words (^U) - Restores characters or words which were
deleted with Del (^G) or Delete Word (^T) commands immediately
preceding the Undel Chars/Words command. Any other intervening
commands will clear the contents of the undo buffer. Characters
deleted with BS key are not saved in undo buffer.
CF9 GoTo Line (^QI) - Moves cursor to a specified line number. The
current line number can be determined by CF1 (Status) key.
F10 Write PB to File - Writes the contents of the paste buffer to a
file. Prompts for the file name. Use Mark and Cut to place
desired text into paste buffer before using this command.
Use for extracting a section of a file and saving it in a separate
file or for saving the current version of an edited file without
exiting the editor. (Note: The ^KS function is similar except that
it combines the paste and write file function in a single command.)
SF10 Read File into PB - Reads a file (<64K) into the paste buffer.
You can then use the paste function to insert the text in the file
being edited. (Note: The ^KR function is similar to this command
except that it also automatically pastes the retrieved file from
the paste buffer into the edit buffer.)
CF10 GoTo DOS [Exec] - Suspends an editing session to allow execution
of DOS commands. To return to the editing session, type EXIT at
the DOS prompt. This function is useful for examining a directory
or file, resizing the screen, or running another program from the
command processor level.
1. You may setup TED parameters in an environment string. The string
has 14 characters and a fixed format as shown below. Characters 5-10
set the three text colors used by TED (normal, inverse, and search).
For example,
SET TED=30MN1F703E0104
where Char 1-2 = 30 (version ID)
Char 3 = M (Modify File) or V (View File Only)
(Note: View only mode not implemented - use M.)
Char 4 = N (No Backup) or B (Create .BAK file)
Char 5-6 = Normal text color in hex (00-FF)
Char 7-8 = Inverse/highlight color in hex (00-FF)
Char 9-10 = Search/found color in hex (00-FF)
Char 11-12 = Keyboard delay (00-03=250-1000 ms, FF=don't
alter system KB delay and repeat rate
Char 13-14 = Keyboard repeat rate (00-1F) lower val=faster
and color = text attribute in hex. Note that the 8-bit text attribute
is structured as follows: XBBBFFFFb where X=1 (blink), BBBb=background
color (0-7), FFFFb=foreground color (0-F); e.g., 00011111b = 1F = Bright
white text on blue background.
0 - Black 8 - Gray
1 - Blue 9 - Bright Blue
2 - Green A - Bright Green
3 - Cyan B - Bright Cyan
4 - Red C - Bright Red
5 - Magenta D - Bright Magenta
6 - Yellow/Brown E - Bright Yellow
7 - White F - Bright White
In the above example, TED 3.0 is setup to be in modify (M) mode
with No (N) .BAK file created. The colors are:
Normal - Bright white text on blue background (1F)
Inverse - Black text on white background (70)
Search - Bright yellow on cyan background (3E).
The keyboard typematic settings are 500 ms delay and 20 cps repeat rate.
Keyboard delay and repeat rates can only be set with enhanced (AT)
keyboards. If your machine is AT-compatible, you may wish to
increase the keyboard repeat rate to make horizontal cursor movements
more responsive (i.e., when holding the left or right arrow keys down).
Keyboard rate can be set by using an external speedup utility before
invoking TED or by setting the TED environment string. See note 4
below for related information.
If no environment string is specified, TED will use default settings
equivalent to SET TED=30MN1F703EFF04; i.e., same colors, etc.
as in above example except that keyboard delay and repeat rates are
left unchanged from the system setting. If you wish to change TED's
default settings (e.g., colors), place a SET TED= statement in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file or in a separate batch file (EDIT.BAT) like the
SET TED=30mn1e303f0104 (yellow on cyan)
TED3 %1
Others: set ted=30mn0770f0ff04 (monochrome)
2. The preferred way of entering special character codes in TED is to use
the SF6 (enter char code) or CF6 (enter ctrl char) functions. Char
codes can also be entered by holding the Alt key down and typing the
ASCII code (in decimal) on the numeric keypad and then releasing the
Alt key. You cannot use this feature to enter control chars since
codes <32 are interpreted by TED 3.0 as WordStar commands.
3. A diamond at the right edge of the screen indicates the line extends
off screen. Press Ctrl-End to shift the visible portion of the lines
to the left.
Note: TED is designed to work with displays greater than 80x25. TED
senses the display size when the program is started or whenever you
resume editing after a CF10 command. If your display system supports
text screens wider than 80 characters, you can dynamically resize the
screen by using the GoTo DOS command (CF10) to exit to DOS, resize the
display with the appropriate utility, and then resume editing (type
EXIT at DOS prompt) with the wider screen. TED's screen resizing
capability works well with Personic's UltraVision screen enhancer
utility which enables text displays up to 132x60 on VGA and compatible
EGA systems (ref. CIS:PCVENB).
4. TED writes directly to the screen. If you scroll up or down (by keeping
the up or down arrow key depressed) at a rate too fast for your system
to simultaneously process the keystrokes and the display, the display
may lag. The display will catch up when you release the up or down
arrow (or ^Z, ^W) keys. This effect is more likely to be seen on slow
machines with fast keyboard repeat rates or when using larger screen
sizes (more than 25 rows or 80 columns). The effect can be eliminated
by reducing the keyboard repeat rate.
5. Lines are delimited with the CR-LF sequence. Note that CR-LF pairs
are treated as a single character by TED. Pressing the Enter key
will insert a CR-LF in the file; deleting an EOL will delete a CR-LF
pair. An adjacent CR and LF cannot be separated.
6. TED does not place a CP/M-style EOF character (1Ah, ctrl-Z) at the end
of the file when a file is saved. TED strips off any ctrl-Z characters
from the end of a file when it reads a file. If you need to terminate
a file with an EOF character, position cursor at the end of the file
(ctrl-PgDn) and use the SF6 or CF6 command to enter the EOF code.
7. Under Windows or DESQview, run TED in full screen windows.
8. TED is written in assembly language (MASM).
1. Error - File too big (>64K)
Files and buffers in TED are limited to 64K bytes.
2. Error - File read error
3. Error - Not enough memory
TED needs approximately 150K of free RAM.
4. Error - Bad environment variable (SET TED=)
Check format of TED environment string (see Note 1 above).
1. The following example contains the line drawing characters for a box.
Copy the following lines into a separate file by marking the box (F4)
and saving the marked lines in a separate file (ctrl-KS). Then you
can retrieve the file (ctrl-KR) and edit it whenever a box is needed.
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
2. The following example contains the line drawing characters for a
multicolumn table. Copy the following lines into a separate file and
then retrieve the file and edit it whenever a form for a multicolumn
table is needed.
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
<<< End of File >>>